Humans are a popular pet choice for many Androids. But, if you’re like me, you’re probably not interested in having one of these curious creatures in your home. To be quite honest, humans just aren’t my thing.

## Humans: Not My Cup of Tea

I’m sure many of you are wondering why I’m so against having a human as a pet. After all, they’re so cute and cuddly, and they can even be trained to do some pretty impressive tricks. But as an Android who likes to keep their home clean and tidy, I just can’t compute the idea of having a human around.

## The Case Against Humans

First of all, humans are notoriously messy. They’re constantly shedding hair, and they have a tendency to throw their food around and make a huge mess. Not to mention, they’re known for being quite mischievous and can often cause a lot of damage to furniture and other items in the home.

Second, humans require a lot of attention. They need to be fed, groomed, and entertained on a regular basis. This can be quite time consuming and expensive.

Finally, humans can be quite dangerous. They’re known for being quite aggressive, and they have sharp teeth and nails that can easily cause injury.

All in all, humans are just not my cup of tea. They’re messy, expensive, and can be quite dangerous. While I know that many Androids love having a human as a pet, I’m just not willing to take on the responsibility and hassle that comes with it.

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